středa, října 18, 2006
I met a man from Mars...
It must have been. This guy definitely didn't come from where I live. He asked me for a meeting with quite a vague agenda which involved some kind of brand consulting job. In the meeting he talked a lot about his project and, yes, the need for having brand consultants on board but, alas, he mainly talked about the importance of sticking to certain values in marketing practice. And how these values were central for him in finding and hiring staff for his project. And how long-term perspective and strategic thinking mattered for him the most. And how he started his own business after walking away from a top-noch international management position in pharmaceuticals because he became fed up with the business cynicism. I wrote him a mail after the meeting expressing my thanks and reporting my readiness to help him with his project. His e-mail address had cz written just after the dot. He even came back to me on that e-mail. Well, the Martians surely have mastered the art of camouflage...
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